The website song: everyone is free to write websites, an IndieWeb anthem

13 August 2024

Everybody’s Free (To Write Websites), by Robb Knight, and Keenan. Spectacularly riffing off Australian filmmaker Baz Luhrmann’s 1999 video, the Sunscreen Song, this is for the graduating Indie Web class of whenever. There is an abundance of sage advice here.

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, coding would be it. The long term benefits of coding websites remains unproved by scientists, however the rest of my advice has a basis in the joy of the indie web community’s experiences. I will dispense this advice now.

There’s so much goodness here, I don’t know where to begin choosing my favourite lines. Enjoy the power and beauty of PHP. Code one thing every day that amuses you. Remember the guestbook entries you receive; forget the spam. And: Some of the most interesting web sites I enjoy just are.


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