Apple Cider Vinegar, the ‘true-ish’ story of wellness guru Belle Gibson

22 January 2025

Belle Gibson is a former Australian wellness influencer who claimed to have cured herself of several cancers by way of a diet, exercise, and alternative medicine regimen. Her story brought hope to others stricken with similar diseases. But it seemed too good to be true, and it was. Investigations later revealed Gibson had been healthy, and disease free, the entire time.

In addition, Gibson claimed to be making donations to a number of charities, through money she had raised, but these organisations saw little, if any, of these funds. Her story is the subject of a “true-ish” Netflix produced TV mini-series, Apple Cider Vinegar, trailer, which premieres on Thursday 6 February 2025.

I’m not quite sure about the “true-ish” tagline of the series. I take this to mean some of the story is factual, while some is fiction. Netflix say they did not speak to Gibson during production of the show, but worked “carefully” to fend off the possibility of legal action being taken against them.


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