Will the good old, friendly web, of twenty years ago, stand up

21 January 2025

Enrique Rey, writing at EL PAÍS:

Like all nostalgic escapism, the myth about a world wide web before the age of sarcasm (and the dominance of big companies) where everything was more sincere and simpler is a melancholic trap. The Austrian poet Ingeborg Bachmann wrote that when you turn 30 you discover the ability to remember, and those who were teenagers when broadband was installed in most homes are now that age. That is why the internet has filled up with memories of itself, although, with some effort, it is still possible to find new things full of a collaborative spirit. “There is still a lot of kindness on the internet. You just have to go to YouTube and watch those videos about how to fix a specific washing machine,” says Gómez. “A lot of content is a sign of goodwill; the real Youtuber is the one who has 10 views on each video. There are a lot of sweet, practical, erratic, very strange things there, and also a lot of people helping others selflessly,” she notes.

Even though I sometimes think the web of the late 1990’s was a friendly online world.

One difference (of many) between the web of today, and that “simpler, less complicated” web of twenty-plus years ago, is the bloated noise to signal ratio, and, and, social media (and social media influencers), which are combining to choke out this friendly web, which is very much still there.

If only you know where to find it.

Rey makes no mention of indie web/small web, but if you’re seeking out that old, friendly online world of decades passed, then indie web/small web is one place where you’ll find, or rediscover, it.


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