Where are all the girls in IT?

8 August 2008

IT consultancy Thoughtworks Australia has launched a new initiative aimed at encouraging more girls and young women to pursue careers in technology, Girls in IT (website no longer online).

The big questions are, why are girls not interested in studying technology subjects at school, and, what can be done to motivate them to do so?

Women account for less than 15% of the people working in technology in Australia, and 52% of the total population. Girls are just not choosing to study technology-related subjects. Findings from a study conducted by the NSW Department of Women reveal that 35% of Year 8 girls choose ICT subjects compared to only 17% of girls in Year 10, a 50% decline in take up.

Girls in IT also aims to “influence the influencers” through getting parents, teachers, and careers advisers, excited about IT careers.

Originally published Friday 8 August 2008. Updated Sunday 8 May 2022.


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